Memo no.
NDRRMC Memorandum No.151, s.2021 Coordinating Team for Possible Oil Spill Crisis due to Typhoon ODETTE
NDRRMC Memorandum No.150, s.2021 Coordinating Instructions for Disaster Response Operations ICOW TY ODETTE
NDRRMC Memorandum No.148, s.2021 Emergency Preparedness and Response Protocols ICOW Severe Tropical Storm "RAI" (I.N.)
NDRRMC Memorandum No.147, s.2021 Activation and Standby Status of Response Cluster ICOW Tropical Depression Outside PAR (ODETTE)
NDRRMC Memorandum No.145, s.2021 Preparations for Potential Tropical Cyclone
 NDRRMC Memorandum No.142, s.2021 Updated PDRA Indicators for Hydrometeorological Hazards 
NDRRMC Memorandum No.112, s.2021 Guidelines on the Philippines Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) National Accreditation Process
NDRRMC Memorandum Circular No.110, s.2021 Revised Guidelines on the Administration of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (NDRRM) Fund
 NDRRMC Memorandum No.107, s.2021 NDRRMC Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (RDANA) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
 NDRRMC Memorandum No.100, s.2021 Preparations For LPA East Southeast of Guiuan, Eastern Samar
 NDRRMC Memorandum No.98, s.2021 La Niña Alert 
NDRRMC Memorandum No.97, s.2021 Rescheduling of the 2021 Third Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill on 16 September 2021
NDRRMC Memorandum No.93, s.2021 Preparations for Typhoon "KIKO"
NDRRMC Memorandum No.92, s.2021 Emergency Preparedness and Response Protocols ICOW Typhoon "JOLINA"
NDRRMC Memorandum No.91, s.2021 Preparations for Tropical Depression (TD) "JOLINA" TD Outside PAR and other Weather Systems
NDRRMC Memorandum No.90, s.2021 Participation to the Third Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill 2021 Activities
NDRRMC Memorandum No.87, s.2021 Update on the NDRRMC Memo No.26 s.2021 re "Review and Enhancement of the National Disaster Response Plans (NDRPs)"
NDRRMC Memorandum No.78, s.2021 NDRRMC Emergency Alert and Warning Messages (EAWM) Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
NDRRMC Memorandum No.77, s.2021 Cascading and Implementation of the Harmozined Action Plan for Taal Volcano Eruption
NDRRMC Memorandum No.75, s.2021 Interim Guidelines on the Management and Conduct of Disaster Response and Early Recovery Pillar Meetings
NDRRMC Memorandum No.74, s.2021 Preparations for Tropical Depression "Fabian"
NDRRMC Memorandum No.64, s.2021 Guidelines on the Accreditation, Mobilization, and Protection of Community Disaster Volunteers
NDRRMC Memorandum No.63, s.2021 Amended Guidelines on the Conduct of Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA)
NDRRMC Memorandum No. 61, s.2021  Observance of the National Disaster Resilience Month 2021
NDRRMC Memorandum No.60, s.2021 NDRRMC Monitoring Dashboard (NMD) Mobile Application
NDRRMC Memorandum No.54, s.2021 Emergency Prepareness and Response Protocols ICOW TS DANTE
NDRRMC Memorandum No.49, s.2021 PDRA Simulation based on Proposed Amended Guidelines on 21 May 2021
NDRRMC Memorandum No.36, s.2021 Emergency Preparedness and Response Measures for Typhoon "BISING" (Int'l Name: "SURIGAE")
NDRRMC Memorandum No.35, s.2021 Preparation for Worst-Case Scenario for Tropical Cyclone outside PAR (International Name: "SURIGAE")
NDRRMC Memorandum No.34, s.2021 Preparedness Measures in Anticipation of the Entry of Tropical Cyclone "BISING"
NDRRMC Memorandum No.26, s.2021 Review and Enhancement of the National Disaster Response Plans (NDRPs)
NDRRMC Memorandum No.21, s.2021 Request for Comments and Recommendations on the NDRRMC Updated Guidelines on the Conduct of Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment
NDRRMC Memorandum No.18, s.2021 Reiteration of COVID-19 Preparedness Measures for the Anticipated Rainy Season
NDRRMC Memorandum No.17, s.2021 Standby Alert in relation to Severe Tropical Storm "Auring"
NDRRMC Memorandum No.16, s.2021 Preparedness Actions ICOW TD AURING
NDRRMC Memorandum No.15, s.2021 Preparedness Actions ICOW Current Status of Volcanoes
NDRRMC Memorandum No.12, s.2021 Highlights of After Action Review (AAR) for 2020 Disaster Response Operations
 NDRRMC Memorandum No.08, s.2021 Conduct of the CY 2021 Quarterly Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill 
NDRRMC Memorandum No.07, s.2021 After Action Review (AAR) for 2020 Disaster Response Operations
 NDRRMC Memorandum No.05, s.2021 Submission of Monthly Accomplishment Reports of NDRRM Funded Projects 
NDRRMC Memorandum No.04, s.2021 Preparedness Actions icow combined effects of Low Pressure Area and Tail-End of a Frontal System
NDRRMC Memorandum No.03, s.2021 Request for Comments and Recommendations on the Directives on the Establishment and Management of COVID 19 Sensitive Evacuation Centers NDRRMC Memorandum No.01, s.2021 Creation of National and Regional Committees on Dam Safety